Sharing The Best of 2021

As we close out the 2021 calendar year, here is a recap of our most popular blogs from the last twelve months.

An Investment Guy’s Review of Solar Panels

Are solar panels right for you? There are many considerations, but the big three are: (1) Do you plan on staying in your home for at least seven years, and ideally 10 years or more? (2) Do you have a roof where you are comfortable putting panels that gets good sun exposure? (3) Is your roof in good condition? If you would like to learn more about solar, here are some suggested steps.(Keep reading).


Better Than Investing in Gold

While gold and silver are a nice inflation hedge, inflation is really the only long-term return driver for these assets. Over the long-term, investors in gold or silver should expect returns that are similar to that of cash, plus inflation (minus the cost of investing in it, like fund management or storage fees). (Keep reading)


3 Things You May Not Know About Investing in Bitcoin

But what about the tax implications of using Bitcoin as currency…to actually purchase a good or service? This is where Bitcoin feels a lot different than legal tender. Since Bitcoin is property, using it as tender for a purchase also results in realizing a gain or a loss. But receiving Bitcoin as payment is considered income and subject to income taxes. (Keep reading)


How Long to Give an Investment Strategy

Investment impatience is moving from one strategy to another for short-term performance reasons. It means selling investments, paying fees, paying capital gains taxes, and reinvesting lesser dollars somewhere else. Some investments will be in tax-deferred retirement accounts where capital gains aren’t an issue, but it’s rare for that to be your entire investment portfolio. (Keep reading)


3 Things the Finance Industry has Failed to Share Adequately with Women, Until Now

The headlines consistently lament how challenging it is for women to save and invest. But the reality is, you’ve made huge strides in financial literacy. And it shows. The returns you earn in your investment portfolios are better than those of your male counterparts. And you are better at saving. (Keep reading)



And there’s more…

Heritage is committed to providing our followers with content that covers a wide variety of topics that impact their wealth. This includes investments and financial planning topics, but also important lifestyle topics. In 2021 we offered webinars on topics ranging from taxes and sustainable investing to identifying strategies to make talking about money easier and when to sell your business. Don’t worry if you missed them. Just click the respective link to watch the replay for any of these topics at your convenience. We look forward to sharing more exciting discussions with you in 2022, when we launch our new podcast. Until then…

Happy New Year!


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