Disciplined Monitoring

Often, the biggest risk for individual investors is the risk they pose to themselves. Money is a complex topic, and emotions – both greed and fear – can drive us to take actions that may feel right in the short-term but are harmful in the long-term.

One of the most important benefits of working with a professional to manage your investments is the constant monitoring of your overall progress and the discipline they provide to keep you on track. Here’s how we ensure that both of us stay informed and disciplined in the pursuit of your financial goals:

  • We stick within a range of your strategic asset allocation unless (1) something about your financial plan changes or (2) we experienced significant market movements that create meaningful near-term risks or opportunities.

  • We incorporate tax-efficiency strategies like asset location across account types, proactive tax-loss selling when possible, and tolerance-based rebalancing to minimize the emotion around bad tax outcomes.

  • We invest in multiple managers and styles with a goal of avoiding the risk that any one manager experiences such significant underperformance that they wipe out the value add of all other managers.

  • We monitor managers using a multi-factor review process that looks at more than just recent returns to avoid the risk of hiring or firing a manager at exactly the wrong time.

  • We utilize a robust trading system that monitors cash and tolerance band compliance daily to manage risk and opportunity cost.

  • We set expectations with you through regular review meetings and proactive communications.

  • We collaborate with your other professional advisors so we can avoid having to make rash investment decisions due to changes in other parts of your financial plan.


To get the ball rolling, send an email to hfsletstalk@heritagefinancial.net. Or, if you prefer, you can fill out this simple form.

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