Heritage Financial Releases 2022 Market Outlook

This week our Investment Team released their outlook for 2022, including 10-year market forecasts. While their outlook for returns rose modestly year-over-year, their projections remain well below long-term averages.

For 2022, investors will likely be navigating more COVID curveballs, divergent central bank policies across the globe, an easing of some inflationary pressures and persistence of others, and pressure on earnings growth to deliver. Investors should expect market volatility, particularly around current and future unknown COVID variants. Our team warns that the disparity among winners and losers in times of increased volatility may be wider than it has in the past.

You can read our Team’s full 2022 Market Outlook here. You can also register for our upcoming 2022 Market Outlook webinar on Tuesday, January 25th at 11 AM EST. Register even if you can’t make it live, so we know to send you a replay of the discussion.


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