Jack’s curiosity about business and finance developed at a young age during his morning commute to school in his hometown of Ontario, Canada, where he lived until his family moved to the Boston area in 2006. A passenger in his dad’s car, he would listen in as his father, an insurance professional, fielded phone calls helping his clients understand their coverage needs and work through claims.
It was this curiosity that eventually led Jack to pursue a business degree at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. While studying finance concepts, he was also spending time volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and playing rugby – a sport he first got involved with during his high school years. Jack eventually became a captain, coach, and president of the Creighton Rugby Club.
With family ties to the finance business and formative years spent building, coaching, and playing in a challenging team sport, it’s no wonder Jack chose a career in financial planning. He views each financial plan as a unique puzzle to solve. He considers the relationship aspect of building trust with clients as one of the rewards of hard work. Today he works with Heritage Financial as a Paraplanner, working with clients on assembling data and building the documentation necessary for maintaining financial plans.
Jack credits rugby for opening up a world of travel for him, having been to Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia, and Japan to both play and watch the sport. Today, he continues to play as a member of the Boston Irish Wolfhounds and enjoys books and podcasts about the history of travel and expansion.