Markets, Interest Rates, and Human Kindness

For the most part, we use our blog to share information about markets, economics, and financial planning strategies. But wealth is about more than just money and markets. It’s also about relationships, life’s work, health, and more.

So, this week we have something for everyone.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive update on what’s happening with consumer spending, the labor market, inflation, corporate profits, and omicron, and what it all means for markets next year, Schwab’s Liz Anne Sonders and Kevin Gordon have put together their detailed overview. It’s worth a read for anyone that’s following the markets.

2022 U.S. Market Outlook: Under Pressure

We’ll be sharing our outlook for 2022 in the coming weeks.

We also wanted to share a good read we came across this week from Certified Financial Planner®, Carl Richards. Richards is the creator of The Sketch Guy column in The New York Times. He uses simple sketches to convey sometimes complex but always important concepts. One of his latest weekly letters is also worth the read. If you’re like me, once you start reading it you’ll feel compelled to keep going.

Here’s what Carl is writing about

“I want to share something with you that might feel a little bit heavy. You may also wonder what it has to do with money.

The truth is, it doesn’t have anything to do with money. Not everything I share does.

In fact, this has to do with something more valuable than money, and that’s how we treat each other.

So let me tell you a story.

I was in the airport when I found out the mother of one of my best friends had just died quite suddenly. She was at dinner with a friend, felt sick, and was gone within a few hours.

I learned this through a message from my mom, who heard about it on the local news.

I called my friend.

Imagine this scene for a second…”

Keep Reading

We hope you find important takeaways from both.

Looking for more insights?

Read our recent posts:

How Much Should You Have Invested in Gold to Help You Hedge Inflation?

7 Ways to Maximize Your Wealth Before the End of 2021

Is Now a Good Time to Invest in Stocks?


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