Born and raised in Mansfield, Massachusetts, Brendan developed an early interest in community service. He volunteered at soup kitchens and church events during high school while also working as a camp counselor at the YMCA. He credits an economics class he took in high school for sparking his initial interest in personal finance. By the time he went to college, he was certain he wanted to use his compassion and empathy for others to help people with their finances.
Brendan attended Bryant University in Smithfield, Rhode Island, where he majored in Finance and minored in Political Science. He continued his volunteer work during college, helping his fraternity raise over $100,000 for the Huntsman Cancer Institute.
During his final year at Bryant, Brendan interned at Ameriprise Financial. He then started his professional career at Ameriprise as a Financial Planning Specialist where he prepared and delivered financial plans and managed a team of Financial Planning Analysts. He joined Heritage as an Associate Financial Planner in 2022 and today, as a Wealth Advisor, he partners with Wealth Managers to conduct client review meetings and to address client requests and inquiries. He coordinates with clients’ accountants, attorneys, and other advisors to ensure that all facets of their finances are working in concert with each other.
Brendan enjoys working out and spending time outdoors. He enjoys snowboarding in the winter and surfing, wake boarding, and fishing on the Cape and in the Winnipesauke region of New Hampshire in the summer.