The first time that Roxanna saw snow was at age 11 when her family landed in the United States on their move from the Dominican Republic where she was born. Since then, she has lived in the Boston area, and is undoubtedly used to snowy winters by now.
Math and science were an important part of her education from an early age. Roxanna attended the John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science where she was on the robotics team. At Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology, she received a degree in engineering. Her professional career has included information technology positions at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.
Roxanna is responsible for the design and implementation of the firm’s development and integration of investment technology applications. This role executes the strategic plan to improve or build the firm’s capabilities in data warehousing, integration, and data modeling.
Roxanna spends her free time doing volunteer educational service work and finding the best Korean food in town. She is teaching her husband to speak Spanish while they collaborate on coffee table book ideas.