A marketing executive was starting his own venture after two decades with a multi-national firm. The complexity of this major life transition prompted him and his wife to seek professional advice, and a second opinion on their sizable investment portfolio.
Corporate Executive Transitioning to Business Ownership
The Situation
- Senior executive transitioning to start a real-estate development business
- Concerned with how this will impact the family’s financial security
- Wanted help prioritizing expenses and establishing a realistic budget
- Needed affordable financing to start his venture
- Expected to fully fund college expenses for three children
- Portfolio highly concentrated in U.S. equities
Our Approach
- Helped define essential and discretionary expenses
- Created a sophisticated financial plan to:
o develop a strategy for immediate expenses
o evaluate health of the long-term financial plan
o conduct life and disability insurance needs analysis
o conduct Monte Carlo analysis to stress test various economic scenarios - Established a margin account for flexible borrowing at a rate significantly lower than a bank construction loan
- Switched existing college saving strategy from taxable accounts to tax-free 529 plans
- Consolidated existing real estate debt into one lower interest mortgage
- Rolled over $1 million from old employer’s retirement plan to an IRA in order to access more diversified investment options
- Positioned the new portfolio for maximum tax efficiency by placing the bonds and alternative investments inside the IRAs
- Converted over $120,000 in IRA assets to Roth IRAs over the two low income tax years before the business generated substantial profits
- Established an Individual 401(k) for the new business once profits were generated
- Introduced client to a real estate attorney to create an LLC for the new business
- Worked with a lender to establish a business line of credit and refinance the personal mortgages
- Introduced client to a new accountant who specializes in small business owners
- Consulted with an independent life and disability insurance agent to tailor coverage to the new needs of an entrepreneur
- Introduced client to an estate planning attorney to create a comprehensive plan
- Sufficient liquidity and financing for the new business
- Reassurance that they are on track for their planned retirement and long-term goals even with a change in career path
- Increased confidence in ability to meet college saving goals
- Robust team of professionals to address current and future planning
- Well-diversified portfolio better aligned to meet their financial aspirations